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Doc Horlock and The Mistery of The Lion Aliens, Urmah - Steagnus

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If all Doc Horlock stories are amazing, this one is even more so... A sheep will surely mock and ignore it, but you already saw that incredible stories like the one about the ghost Lucía, turned out to be real. It will help you understand the past and especially the future of the Earth. It will give you hope and it gave me extensive information on many mysteries, such as chemtrails, future, crop circles, blue beam, false alien invasion, Satya Yuga…

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Elon Musk Superfake: look who he is and who pays him

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Elon Musk appears out of nowhere from a billionaire father -also an agent-. His only job is to swindle, lie, and lick China, his Masters, and his home country. Everything they tell you about this chestnut seller of motorcycles is false, it sells cars, sells monas (chips), a tyrannical dictator who has destroyed Twitter in two minutes.

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Holocracy, the system of the future

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Anything is possible, even if our current world is trash. It is possible to get rid of the Illuminati psychopathocracy videocracy, the current Dictatorship. They are very vulnerable, they are afraid of waking up and their ploy of lies are already so crude that when the real information arrives en masse we will begin to get out of the current scam.

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Pseudoculture: The Great Fake of Red Writers

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I'm a philologist and I didn't even realize the cultural montage of “left-handed” nor when I did my degree at the University of Salamanca. If you want to be a writer or poet, I inform you that you have no place, if you are not woke.

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The NWO-CIA Dalai Lama Macro-Mega Scam - Steagnus

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If you were surprised by the embarrassing image of the Dalai Lama sticking his tongue out at a child. Not to me. He's a bad bug. Nothing to do with spirituality. A CIA set-up. He quit the vegetarian diet because he said he felt weak. Sleeps in luxury hotels.It's a Julai Lama. You are surrounded by psychopaths, demons and scammers. This is the Kali Yuga world that is to be completely demolished by the New Evolution.

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Shakespeare didn't exist - Steagnus

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You may not know it but Modern Talking was a fraud, others sang and ABBA and Milly Manilly, but most people ignore it even though it's already public. Shakespeare is the same.

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China sells gunpowder to Russia and US Bechtel rebuilds Ukraine - Steagnus

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The US Illuminati behemoth Bechtel is in charge of the Reconstruction of Ukraine. That's what war is invented for. From one day to the next the circovid propaganda passed to the Ukrainian one in all the... shit paid by the alub fund. blackrock. While the Chinese are getting rich selling gunpowder and materials for ammunition for their servile friend

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This is how Aliens Fuck (and more than humans) - Steagnus

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The experiences of humans fucking aliens are already massive. Having a reptilian boyfriend is already possible, even an insectoid xenomorphic girlfriend and they can even give you children.

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What is meditation?

It is to think that you are infinite and the mind takes the object of ideation, it is not to leave it blank. It is positive ideation.

  1. You disconnect from the external world
  2. You disconnect from the body (imagine that it is disappearing)
  3. You start maintaining idealization and start repeating the mantra.

Use the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra. With the ideation that everything is GOD, everything is even, everything is infinite. You breathe with Babanam and expires with Kevalam (3 times). Breathe through the nose with Baba Nam and fill yourself with energy. You expire by the nose with Kevalam and eliminate all tensions and problems. Baba gave it to us for these final times.
Mantra of easy pronunciation and with cohesion to cosmic consciousness. It is the universal mantra that is worth everything. For cleaning, for health. To have better discernment. FOR ALL.

Meditate twice a day at least for 20 minutes, the important thing is to develop the habit. Soon you will raise your awareness and ultimately become ONE with the Supreme consciousness, P'arama Purush'a.


Kiirtan is the song of a mantra out loud while the mind focuses on the supreme being.
Instill a feeling of bliss and prepares the mind for meditation,
since in doing so all the motor and sensory organs are occupied and directed towards the supreme.
It can be done anywhere, and at any time, but the best moment is just before meditation.

The mantra used for kiirtan is: Bábá Nama Kevalam Baba means "my loved one," Nam means "the name" or "identifying with" and Kevalam means "only." So the meaning of the mantra is "my loved one is the only thing." The concept to keep in mind is: "everywhere where I look, in all the things I hear, I feel, see, try and smell, I perceive that only supreme consciousness that spreads through everything." Kiirtan has many benefits. Purifies the mind and prepares it for meditation, accelerating the speed of movement towards the Supreme. As a result of the mental clarity that is achieved, solutions are easily found to our problems while we practice it, in addition to relief of physical and psychic pain.